About Us

Our Mission is to Prepare Children for Life.

We celebrate each child’s individuality and help them discover how they can best contribute to our world and culture. All children are naturally curious and love to learn; we support this innate drive by providing environments that meet children’s developmental needs, guided by a staff of loving and well-prepared adults and building a community of families that actively support our mission.

Our Mission

Guided by our Catholic and Felician traditions, we nurture and educate the whole child in a peaceful and faith-filled environment.

Our Vision

To provide a foundation by which children reach their full potential guided by Felician Core Values.

Core Values for Ministry

As a Felician - Sponsored Ministry, Montessori Center of Our Lady follows the Core Values set forth by the Felician Sisters.  These core values help to clarify and support our Mission and are our guideposts in all our decision-making, actions and behaviors.

Respect for Human Dignity - Our reverence for and commitment to promoting and protecting the dignity of all human life.

Compassion - An empathetic consciousness of others expressed in caring service.

Transformation - The process that encourages an open mind and heart leading to continuous improvement of the person and ministry.

Solidarity with People in Need - Ensuring the needs of those in need are met through advocacy and action.

Justice & Peace - Forging right relationships, recreating a sustainable environment, promoting the common good, all in the pursuit of peace.

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